Welcoming a new baby to the world is a special event as a new soul incarnates to experience life on Earth.
This Baby Gift Pack includes -
Rose Quartz Sphere – A very special crystal that can infuse with mother love as she rolls it around her tummy as baby grows inside. If baby has already arrived mother holds the sphere infusing with love. The Sphere can be placed in or by baby’s bed, so the mother’s love is near-by, calming and soothing the new-born.
The child will have the crystal sphere for life, infused with mother’s love, to hold when comfort is needed at different stages in life. Rose Quartz is the ultimate crystal of love and is a wonderful, useful, keep-sake as baby grows - always with its sphere of Mummy’s Love.
Silver Frame – Place a photo of your beautiful baby in the frame and if you choose not to have it in the nursery, then you can spread the love by gifting it to relatives, siblings or grandparents. You can never have too many frames with your loved one’s photo!
Keepsake Boxes – Baby’s first tooth and hair cut are significant events to keep in the beautifully crafted boxes – a fun, quirky gift to give them on their 18th Birthday!
Finger Puppets – Three quality finger puppets to interact with baby. The most important thing for a child’s literacy is language! Talk to your baby all the time. Tell them what you are doing for them as you care for them, tell them where they are going or what colours things are. Ask questions and act as if they are answering. It really doesn’t matter what you say because it is the interaction with language, that sets them up for life. The foundation for language is developed when they are babies, in the very early years.
Door Hanger – Sleeping is what babies do best! This decorative door knob hanger helps to let everyone know baby is sleeping…Shhh!